Use "witness|witnessed|witnesses|witnessing" in a sentence

1. 25 min: “‘Bear Thorough Witness’ —By Apartment Witnessing.”

2. Jehovah’s Witnesses have literally covered the earth with their witnessing.”

3. But I am a witness to the fact that the Witnesses witness to efficiency and proper behaviour. . . .

4. 20 Witnessing informally is no substitute for the regular field ministry of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

5. I want him to witness the extent of my mercy by witnessing your deformed body.

6. At the time, no Witnesses lived there, so we did informal witnessing to neighbors.

7. 3 How to Witness by Telephone: When witnessing over the telephone, our presentation should be conversational.

8. There are also powers to compel the attendance of witnesses by obtaining a witness order.

9. After the jury listened to the witness talk about the murder, it became Apparent that he had never witnessed it

10. Hence, Jehovah’s Witnesses concentrate, as Jesus did, on bearing witness to the truth about that Kingdom.

11. A testator may, in an emergency situation, make a nuncupative will, which shall be witnessed by two or more witnesses.

12. PICTURE DESCRIPTION: Friends: A young Witness with a bad associate is embarrassed when she sees fellow Witnesses.

13. The witnesses then Attest that they witnessed the legal signing of the document by placing their own signatures on it

14. 12 In response to Jehovah’s words, the witness stand soon overflows with a joyful throng of witnesses.

15. In 1981 there were 38,869 active Witnesses—a ratio of 1 Witness to 717 of the population.

16. Marketplace Witnessing

17. The Witnesses loaded these supplies into a van and visited the shelters where the Witness evacuees were accommodated.

18. These Witnesses took note of the interest I showed, and my address was passed along to another Witness.

19. Evidence depends upon witnesses and, to some extent, their credibility is dependent upon their performance in the witness box.

20. Often a fine witness is given to people who previously knew little or nothing about Jehovah’s Witnesses and their message.

21. Attesting witness Attesting witness; Attesting witness Definition

22. Witnessing During the Blitz

23. Why is street witnessing a beneficial and enjoyable form of witnessing?

24. 15. (a) Why is “informal witnessing” a better term than “incidental witnessing”?

25. when witnessing informally

26. The signing of wills very commonly requires witnesses to Attest, as every state requires at least two parties to witness the proceedings

27. Witnessing by Good Conduct

28. Prayer and Our Witnessing

29. Witnessing by Writing Letters

30. In most nations a tremendous witness has been given, and now there are millions of active Witnesses everywhere. —See chart, page 361.

31. Witnessing with the Bible

32. At one time, the prison authorities allowed the Witness prisoners to have only a limited amount of Bible literature published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.

33. The testimony of a witness is Corroborated if subsequent evidence, such as a coroner's report or the testimony of other witnesses, substantiates it

34. Also, Witness children should carry on their person at all times their Advance Medical Directive/ Release card or Identity Card that is up-to-date, properly witnessed, and signed.

35. (Acts 20:20) So “public” witnessing would be a more appropriate term than “alternative” witnessing.

36. The testimony of a witness is Corroborated if subsequent evidence, such as a coroner's report or the testimony of other witnesses, substantiates it

37. Morass can be witnessed everywhere.

38. 5 Informal Witnessing Gets Results: Two Witnesses were walking in a park one day and struck up a conversation with a young man who was strolling with his child.

39. Telephone Witnessing Can Be Effective

40. Worldwide Benefits of Cart Witnessing

41. Have You Tried Evening Witnessing?

42. 20 min: Witnessing by Good Conduct.

43. China witnessed a bronze age.

44. Street witnessing in Belgium in 1948

45. Has your congregation organized public witnessing?

46. Witnessing by intercom in Vienna, Austria

47. 15 min: “Witnessing by Good Conduct.”

48. Have you tried telephone witnessing?

49. (c) In group evening witnessing?

50. 3 Incidental or Informal Witnessing?

51. He witnessed the Battle of Stalingrad.

52. When she realized that I was a Witness, she rejected me right away because her husband, who was also deaf, did not like Jehovah’s Witnesses.

53. For 2012, each study edition will feature on the cover an artist’s colorful rendering of a witnessing scene, reminding us of our God-given commission to bear thorough witness about Jehovah’s Kingdom.

54. She witnessed some very distressing scenes.

55. Living and Witnessing Through the Troubles

56. The human Affiants, while not bearing witness in court, clearly served as "witnesses against" the accused for purposes of implicating a right of confrontation

57. If buildings are being made inaccessible to uninvited visitors, are you doing telephone witnessing or witnessing by mail?

58. 20 min: “Witnessing Effectively in Public Places.”

59. They Have Not Held Back From Witnessing

60. The witness is recalled to the witness box.

61. (3) Try evening witnessing with magazines.

62. 20 min: Doing More Informal Witnessing.

63. How about witnessing informally at school?

64. 6 In the course of the 20th century, Jehovah’s Witnesses have used many advances in technology in order to amplify and speed up the great work of witnessing before the end comes.

65. A Witness

66. He had never witnessed anything so electrifying.

67. 3 Successful informal witnessing requires advance preparation.

68. Witnessing to People of All Languages and Religions

69. Witnessing on the “floating” islands of Lake Titicaca

70. Sixty-two percent had witnessed bombings, fires, and shooting, and forty-eight percent had witnessed someone been injured or killed.

71. A true witness delivereth a deceitful witness speaketh lies.

72. Dad was fearless in witnessing to others.

73. True, such witnessing is not always easy.

74. Who witnessed to his signing the documents?

75. From my days of travel with Nathan until today, I enjoy informal witnessing —on airplanes, in restaurants— and street witnessing.

76. Added to this, circuit and district overseers train publishers in street witnessing, show how to work business territory, and point out other ways to give a witness wherever people are to be found.

77. The robbery was witnessed by several passersby.

78. 17 Amazingly, by the year 1935, Jehovah’s Witnesses were busy preaching in 115 lands, and they had reached another 34 lands either on witnessing expeditions or by literature sent through the mail.

79. 15 min: “Telephone Witnessing Can Be Effective.”

80. 20 min: “New Initiatives for Public Witnessing.”